Ingeniero en Electrónica, Economista, Director de Programación, Kabbalista de Laitman, Autor de las leyes fundamentales de la Economía y de la Nueva Teoría Evolutiva TESI.
For the first time in the humankind, we are thinking before acting. Meaning that for the first time in the history we can make a society by design, instead of what we have done so far which is improvising “as it comes, we will see“. Let’s discover what is the Purpose of the New Society? and its…
Muchas veces en nuestras interacciones sociales, cometemos el error de no considerar que las personas son naturalmente egoístas
El ingreso fijo mensual para todos los ciudadanos sin exclusiones y sin contra prestaciones, es un tema que esta siendo ampliamente discutido a nivel mundial
Christian Felber is one of our favorite authors, as he not only writes but implements what he writes, we would call him an Action Author. His work on the indicators of the “Economy of Common Good” is part of our vision of society, as it is well made. In this article, Christian expands his message…
El Profesor Guillermo Rodríguez Urbina, nos deleita con las propuestas plasmadas en su libro.
Our vision is based on science, applying it with a unitary vision of love. But we must clarify that we are talking about science and how it differs from other conceptions.
The Queen of England, when she lost millions with the 2008 crisis, asked the prestigious London School of Economics why no economist could predict the financial crisis?
Analysis of the book “The Bad Laws (and the way out)” by Alberto Mansueti 2009.
Definition: Spirituality is the union, connection, empathy between everything that exist, it’s the human being purpose.
The ten principles that form the heart of our book.
A family farm producing $ 100,000 per year in just 3 acres of land.
Introduction The purpose of this article, is share to the common citizen, a summary of knowledge about what is the money, the economy and finance. Employing a simple and clear language.